
If you cannot find the desired product in the table or if you have any questions, contact us directly by phone +380667881828 (Telegram, Viber).

The design is paid for in the amount of 100% before the start of the work. All revisions above the standard are payable after layout approval, but before files are sent to the client/print.

Outdoor advertising

*includes the cost of 2 windows of the same concept layout

Banner/large-format advertising

Press Print

Additional Services

All prices are in US dollars.
We draw your attention to the fact that the prices (cost) of services are of an informational nature only and are not a public offer.

Simple - creating a layout based on the customer's ready-made materials (sketches, detailed specifications, edited text materials, illustrations and photos that do not require processing or finishing).

Normal - creating a layout with the development of sketches with a selection of illustrated materials. The customer provides textual materials and possibly illustrations that require a little processing.

Difficult - creating a layout "from scratch", only according to the theme specified by the customer.

Days - the number of working days (Saturdays, Sundays and official weekends are not taken into account).

Paid additionally:

Urgency + 25% of the cost.

When ordering design development, we provide the client with 1-3 layout options. Each new version of the layout costs 25% of its original cost.

The first layout correction (it can contain many layout corrections at once) is FREE. Minor text or color changes are FREE of charge, if they do not change the location of the elements, if they do - 5 USD. Also, any other changes that affect the composition of the layout cost 5 USD.

Terms of agreement before printing

Carefully check the layout for spelling, punctuation, and other errors. Carefully check phone and fax numbers, company name, addresses, e-mail, website addresses, social media links. networks, etc. Carefully check the dimensions of the layout.

Before printing a print run or on large format material, it is necessary to do a color test (ask your printing company for such option) and make sure that the colors and print quality meet your wishes.

When the layout is approved before printing, the checked layout is printed on an A4 sheet with the indicated date of approval and the customer's signature. It is possible to agree on the layout by e-mail, for this you need to forward the sent letter with the final layout attached and write that the layout has been agreed or approved for printing.

When coordinating layouts, the customer himself acts as a proofreader and is responsible for spelling, grammatical and other errors made in the layout. After approval, no complaints about the design will be accepted.

Editing client's files

Files in PDF, TIF, PSD format with combined layers and rasterized text, as well as vector files in which fonts are translated into curves - are not editable. It is impossible to make any changes to the text in the specified files.

Editable layout is a file in *ai, *psd or *cdr format, in which the texts are not rasterized and not translated into curves. All used fonts must be added to the layouts being edited as separate files. All related images must be embedded in layouts created in Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW.